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WORLD PREMIERE: Ent-omology: The Making of

Short, stop-motion movie about the making of Ent-omology, a 2012 painting inspired by the impossible magical realism of Giuseppe Arcimboldo.

I have my friend, Tim, to thank/blame for this painting, as he gave me a small book about Arcimboldo a couple of years ago. I was familiar with Arcimboldo and a fan, and a couple of years ago I still had some (over) confidence in my skill as painter, so I thought I could do it, too.

Originally, I wanted to compose the figure entirely of insects, but I discovered I am NOT Senore Arcimboldo, so I chickened out and made the figure a dead tree stump with insects and vines and such.

Thanks also, to my husband, Martin, for helping me title the painting... both a play on the entomology theme and a reference to the "ents" from The Lord of the Rings. Since I never read the books and slept through all three movies, I had to take his word that these creatures existed in the story.

I hope you enjoy this...

(If the images are blurry, click the arrow to play and go to the "settings" (little gear icon) in the bottom right corner, and play around with the "quality" setting. Sometimes, just playing the video through once will fix it, too.)

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